Pre- Recorded Courses: Avaliable Soon!

Ancestral Healing

No matter our background, our ancestors have faced immense challenges. Forced migration, natural disasters, poverty, warfare, have been on the receiving end or have committed violence. Explore how to heal and complete these experiences. 


Exploring Advanced Energy Work techniques for collaborating with the Earth in a mutually beneficial relationship. The meaning we desperate seek is often tied to our relationship place

Healing Intensive

Healing the Physical and Etheric body begins with opening to our interconnectedness. The vitality we seek, can be found in creating spaciousness and flow

Path and Purpose

A class designed to help you meet who you are! Most of who we are is unknown! We can bring deep mindfulness into the present or a magnifying glass to the past. But our future is determined by our relationship to the unknown!


Reclaim the biological energies of the body. Our Kundalini energies are often tracked because we are trapped. When we release limiting beliefs, cultural and societal programs which diminish the body. Then we can open to the full range of resilience, color, quality, and density of Kundalini energies. 

Shadow Work

We hear the word Shadow quite often in the field of spirituality, we can often lack clear actionable steps to engage this work. In this course, we explore working definitions and various tools for integrating unprocessed experiences and emotions. 


Although it is true that you create your reality, that does not mean that you control it! Life's underlying momentum can be engaged and leveraged towards creates new timelines and establishing new ways of being. 

Clear Perception

Throughout this course we will focus on not only unlocking our gifts but directing them. Unbridled power becomes a burden, if it is not carefully directed and skillfully harness onto the path. It is the same with the, "Clairs"


Exploring tools to gain Wisdom, Compassion and Skill in all four relationships; interpersonal, intimate and otherwise. Being human is hard!

Emotional Mastery

Opening to a life-giving relationship to our emotional self. Practicing how to be with resistance and how to support the body in feeling safe with our whole emotional selves

Five Elements

This course is an in-depth exploration of Transformative Energy Work and the 5 Element Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The 5 Element Theory provides a lens from which we can understand the natural world, in all of its cycles of checks and balances. 

Male Embodiment

An exploration of the Male energy field’s unfoldment. Classes will explore the energies in the male reproductive system, distinct energetic structures and practical energy tools for every day engagement of life unfolding adventure.

Etheric 12 week

Perfecting Power, Embodying Wisdom. An immersive exploration of the Etheric Body. Supporting radical self-transformation. Receive an embodied skillset in the Physical and Etheric ranges of Energy

12-15 Week Immersion

Pre-recorded course I taught yearly 4 times. Learn the A-Z map and skillset required to have mastery of the realms of the subtle. This has expanded to the Year-long Practitioner Course. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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